What happens when I Request an Intro?

What is Request intro for?

Elpha's unique Intro Request feature is a structured way to start a conversation with a company you are interested in learning more about. 

You might request an intro to a company hiring on Elpha if:

  • You have applied to a role and you'd like to connect to them in multiple ways to show your interest
  • You would like to learn more about their culture from a real person
  • You don't see any roles that are a good fit, but you feel aligned with their mission and want to make sure that when they are hiring for a role with your skillset, you've already been connected.

How does it work?

When you click on that Request intro button, a quick form pops up:

Once you have sent the request, we send an email to the company with your Talent Pool Profile information, and they can either accept or decline the option to chat with you. 

  • If they accept, we send you both an email so that both you and the hiring manager can find a time to chat!
  • If they decline, we let you know via email that they have chosen not to accept the request. You’ll hear back within two weeks. 

What happens once we have scheduled time to chat?

The conversations that happen can range from informational interviews to specific conversations about the availability of jobs in your skillset. Generally, if things feel like a good match and a role is available, the hiring manager will provide an overview of the hiring process, timeline, and set up next steps.

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