What are Company Pages?


Our mission is to help women at work and one way we can do that is by providing you context as you search for the next company and role. We know how important it is to get a sneak peek inside how the day-to-day operations run, how the interview process is set up, and how they represent what matters. So, as part of our process, partner companies complete a company profile that gives you this important glimpse into their world.

On the left side of the company page, you will find the standard information.

  • Company Size
  • Funding Stage
  • Headquarters
  • Categories of Industry

We also ask them to include Cultural Qualities in more detail. By accessing this information, you can narrow down your search if a cultural quality or benefit is a deal breaker for you. These are located on the left side of the page.

  • Benefits - What are the standard suite of benefits the company offers its employees?
  • Career Growth - How does the company provide their employees with tools and resources for success? 
  • DEI - In what ways does the company support and facilitate healthy DEI practices. 
  • Management - What is the management style?
  • Work/Life Balance - How does the company work and what culture surrounds creating a work/life balance for employees?
  • Work Style - What other ways can the company show its culture and how employees can expect to work once they join?
  • Engineering - What is the engineering culture like and what are the priorities for that part of the organization?

We also encourage our partner companies to give you more of a snapshot into what it is like to work for them by giving details. This narrative is the body of the company page and includes the following sections:

  • Mission and Values
  • Where do we work? 
  • Team
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Benefits/Perks
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Interview Process

This collection of information allows you the chance to hear from the company about what matters to them, how they live their values, and whether or not you would be a good fit. 


  • Most of the things you can find on the company page are also searchable in our Search via the culture filter.
  • We take into account these qualities when matching you with companies in the Job Dashboard, so by updating your profile with the qualities that are important to you, you are helping Elpha weed out the companies you may not consider!
  • When reaching out to a company, check the company page first! Getting to understand the language they use to describe themselves can help you utilize similar language as you apply and interview with them!
  • Interviews can be different depending on the role - Clarify the hiring process with your contact up front so that you know what to expect for the specific role you've applied for.

We hope that company pages provide you with the tools you need to start understanding a company better. Once you've reviewed the company page, we encourage you to do more research by finding articles, following the CEO, and learning more about them from Elpha members, who you can reach out to directly from the pictures in the left column.

We want to ensure that these profiles are valuable to you! Are you looking for something more? Email us at hiring@elpha.com so that we can take your request into consideration as we continue to improve our platform!

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