How do I update my email, profile name, job status?

You have two profiles with Elpha. 

One is viewable by other Elpha members and you can update it here.

Your Profile

The other is only seen by partner companies and the Elpha Talent team. It is called the Talent Pool Profile. You can update it here

Talent Pool Profile

What is the Talent Pool Profile?

Your Talent Pool Profile is a living document that represents your professional story. You can present the skills you want to utilize and the cultural components that are important to you as you look for your next opportunity. While it overlaps with your resume, you can utilize the Talent Pool Profile to share the aspects of your history that will align with the roles you aspire to in your next steps.

It is different from your Elpha Profile, as it is not public and is only seen by the Elpha Talent Team and partner companies.

How do we use your profile?

To provide context to partner companies

Partner companies use your talent pool profile to understand whether to pursue an introduction. It provides them an understanding of where you are located, what experience you have, your background and skillset, as well as your preferences for your next role.

To send you interesting jobs

When you set up your profile to 'Actively looking for a job' or 'Casually exploring my options' we send you an email that includes matches based on your profile. We are always working to improve the list of jobs you receive. If this list doesn’t look right you can reply and let us know! You can also update your Talent Pool Profile to change the roles we send!  

To match you with the right companies

As we improve our automated matchmaking, we are manually sending matches to both you and partner companies each week.These matches are made by reviewing your Talent Pool Profile and your LinkedIn and using our search to find the best jobs for you! The more information we have on your profile (especially about the cultural aspects you are looking for!), the better these matches will be!

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